Home Health & Fitness What Novaplus Enhanced Supply Programs Provide For Health Care Workers

What Novaplus Enhanced Supply Programs Provide For Health Care Workers

Health Care Workers

If you’ve been watching the news at all over the past few years, you’ve no doubt seen stories about healthcare facilities lacking key medical supplies.

This has been a huge problem that has caused doctors and nurses to have to use innovative and sometimes risky methods in order to treat patients. Especially in the early days of the pandemic, something as ubiquitous as surgical gloves were very difficult to come by.

Fortunately, companies such as Novaplus created enhanced supply programs which enabled healthcare facilities to access needed equipment and continue to serve patients to the best of their abilities. Best of all, Vizient works with Novaplus and can access all of the benefits of the enhanced supply program to keep medical facilities well-stocked and functioning optimally.

What is Novaplus?

Novaplus is a well-respected company that has been serving healthcare facilities for years. Through the use of their enhanced supply program, Novaplus sources medical supplies and finds ways to always keep healthcare facilities in a state where clinicians can best serve patients.

One of the major ways that Novaplus is able to overcome supply chain issues is through excellent visibility and transparency. In essence, Novaplus coordinates communication between suppliers of raw goods, manufacturers, warehouse teams, carriers, and health care facilities. By coordinating the delivery process and ensuring that everyone involved has a means of seeing where products are at any given time, the supply chain is better able to overcome any disruptions or issues that may develop.

Another key component of the Novaplus enhanced supply program is accountability. By remaining accountable to their clients, Novaplus ensures that they can always be counted on to deliver medical supplies in a timely manner. This improves continuity of care and patient satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to better profit for medical facilities and the possibility of growth within healthcare teams.

Commitment to supply is the third key factor in Novaplus’s business plan. Novaplus looks to the future and analyzes trends when speculating about future supply and demand needs. By doing so, they can switch suppliers when needed and can make any other changes in operations to ensure that all of their clients have sufficient supply of the necessary materials to run a successful clinic.

How Vizient Leverages Novaplus’s Enhanced Supply Program

Vizient partners with excellent companies such as Novaplus to leverage their superlative supply programs. Vizient takes care of all medical supply issues so that healthcare facilities can allow their doctors and nurses to focus all of their energy on treating patients.

Unfortunately, some facilities who do not work with companies such as Vizient force their clinicians to perform administrative duties. This disrupts the continuity of care, creates dissatisfaction amongst clinicians, and leads to worse patient outcomes overall.


If you’re healthcare company isn’t working with a service such as Vizient, you’re missing out on an opportunity to better serve patients and to experience company growth. Vizient is committed to helping healthcare companies remain well-stocked and would love to help your company today!