Home Health & Fitness How to treat a bump on the forehead of a child

How to treat a bump on the forehead of a child


Children are often the target of regular bumps and falls; know what the warning signs indicate that you should take them to the doctor and advise to alleviate and treat a blow to your child’s forehead.

Children are naturally curious: they need to explore the world around them, find out what lies beyond, discover new challenges and try to find out where their limits are. If we add excessive energy to innate curiosity, the result is the inevitable blows, especially to the head.

Accidental falls from a table or chair trying to get a toy and tripping while running or riding a bicycle or rollerblading (without wearing the case) are the most frequent reasons for these bumps. They are generally of little consequence, and the consequence may be a mild but annoying headache. Bruise or bump on the forehead or in the area where the injury occurred.

However, even if these falls are minor, parents should know what symptoms may make them suspect that it may be appropriate to go to their pediatrician or the emergency department of a health center. The first piece of advice, and perhaps the most difficult to follow, is to keep your cool, calm, and collected. If the parents get very nervous, the child will perceive that anguish and will be contagious.

Next, you have to observe the little one and check that he responds without problems to the stimuli: tell us his name or the name of Mom and Dad, ask him to point out, for example, where his favorite stuffed animal is, to sing his favorite song to us Or call you from another room to check that you hear well. If he is older, we can also ask him to read us something.

When to take the child to the doctor for a blow to the forehead

Before a blow or contusion on the forehead, it is generally unnecessary to go to the doctor. However, it is advisable to be attentive to the child’s behavior in the next 24-72 hours. But if the following circumstances occur, even if several hours have passed since the blow, the child must be taken to a medical center to undergo an in-depth medical examination and assess his condition:

  • If the child is less than two years old.
  • When the child has fallen from a high surface, more than one meter high.
  • In case of loss of consciousness.
  • If the child complains of a severe headache or difficulty moving the neck.
  • If you have sinking in the forehead.
  • If there has been a wound that bleeds profusely, or an embedded object has remained (splinters, glass).
  • If there is bleeding in areas not affected by the blow, such as the ears or nose.
  • Excessive drowsiness or difficulty in waking you up. It is not essential to keep the child awake since it is possible that after the scare, he is dejected and falls asleep. But, in this case, you have to check that it wakes up easily.
  • It shows problems are speaking normally.
  • You have dizziness, vomiting, or seizures.
  • You are confused or disoriented.
  • Blurred vision or other visual disturbances.
  • Speech problems
  • Crying without comfort and irritability.
  • Complains of weakness in the arms or legs.
  • If the bump continues to grow, it becomes softer or longer.

How to treat a bump on the forehead of a child

Once we have verified that none of the warning symptoms that we have just mentioned have appeared, the following tips should be followed:

  • Be by her side in a quiet room or a quiet place.
  • It is better to remain seated or to lie down, but with your head slightly elevated.
  • It is convenient to apply local cold, for example, a little ice wrapped in a cloth or a towel – so that the skin does not burn – or a bag of frozen peas will reduce the swelling.
  • The typical arnica bar that every mother carries in her purse, or preparing an infusion with its leaves, can reduce the bruise.
  • He should be encouraged to drink cold liquids, such as water or juices, but in small sips.
  • If there is a cut or small wound, it can be pressed with gauze to stop the bleeding and wash it well. However, this should not be done if the wound is bleeding a lot if it is open or deep. In these cases, in addition to disinfecting it, it could be necessary to saturate it, so you have to go to the doctor quickly.