Home Dental Care Take the Time to Care for Your Dentures

Take the Time to Care for Your Dentures


Taking steps to care for your dentures is very important, many of us use dentures because we are missing one or more of our teeth. Here are some golden rules of denture care.

Remove at Night

You must give your mouth a break from wearing dentures, the best time to do so is when you go to bed. Hitchin Dental Technicians will tell you that mouth tissue needs time to recover, if you don’t let your dentures soak overnight, your dentures will start to feel uncomfortable. Soaking your dentures in a cleansing solution or a half water solution will help to remove substances such as:

  • Bacteria
  • Stains
  • Plaque
  • Tartar
  • Various other deposits

Handle with Care

Dentures aren’t that cheap, so you must be careful when cleaning them. Don’t use any hard brushes or toothpicks when wearing them. All of these items can damage your dentures, which will result in a costly repair. When cleaning them, make sure you do so over a folded towel just in case they fall and drop. You should never leave them near young kids or in a place where pets can get at them.

Care for Your Gums

Even if you have dentures, you still need to clean your gums when you’ve taken them out. You can rinse your mouth using mouthwash or gently massage them with a washcloth. Don’t forget to brush and floss if you’ve partial dentures.

In addition to the tips mentioned above, it is advisable to visit an expert at least once a year to get recommendations on oral hygiene and denture care.