Home Dental Care Types of Cosmetic Dentistry That can Give You the Best Look You...

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry That can Give You the Best Look You Dream of!


Do you always dream of having a beautiful smile like your favorite pop singer? Or is it the white and shining teeth of your favorite movie star that make you fall for him/her? Do you wish to have such a beautiful smile and teeth like them? It is not impossible anymore if you contact the best cosmetic dentist in Kolkata. From dental laminate in Kolkata to teeth gap treatment in Kolkata, cosmetic dentistry covers it all to give you a beautiful smile and healthy and white teeth

So, if you find your teeth has become yellow, dull, decayed, misaligned, broken and all, cosmetic dentistry can help you to get rid of all these ailments and correct your smile now. What is the cosmetic dentistry you need to know about? Read on to know more-

  • Teeth Whitening

This process is also popular as ‘teeth bleaching’ where your teeth are whitened and all stain and yellow marks are removed from your teeth. Here, you need to remember that teeth’s bleaching is not for all. Therefore, you need to consult your dentist to know whether you need to go through the process or not.

  • Cosmetic Dental Implant

If you have lost one of your teeth anyhow, a dental implant is the best process to fill in the gap with a replacement tooth. A dental implant is a small device, made of titanium which suits the human body. A dental implant is a permanent solution to your missing tooth as it works as the anchor to the artificial tooth on that gap.

  • Cosmetic Dental Veneers

Veneers are small particles that look like a shell and are made of porcelain or any composite material. If you have crooked tooth, chipped teeth, space between the teeth or discolored teeth, cosmetic dental veneers can be the best solution for you. These small particles are cemented to the frontal side of your tooth. They are also custom-made. With this teeth gap treatment in Kolkata, you can correct your smile easily now.

  • Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

This procedure is also known as ‘enamel shaping’ where some of the enamel of your tooth is removed to reshape your teeth. You can get an immediate result of this procedure and it is not at all painful.

So, now you know how cosmetic dentistry can help you to have a beautiful smile. To follow any of these procedures, you need to find a cosmetic dentist in Kolkata and know well whether you can go through these processes or not.